20Dec 2018




Mobile Application Development

Mobile Development

Mobile  Development

Mobile App have brought a revolution in the Smartphone market. Some of the most popular smart phones like Samsung, iPhone, Blackberry and other Android satisfy business and individual needs. These Smartphones give your business a cutting edge advantage with Mobile App Development.

With the creation of innovative and unequaled applications, which facilitate internet browsing, email, faxing, games, graphics and wireless information services. Developers of a new Mobile App have to undertake a number of decisions, including the target platform and the development technology to use.

Why is Mobile App Development Difficult?

The simple answer to this question is the same that plagues application developers for Mac and Windows, web developers, and mobile developers as seen from the public eye. So-called killer apps are not defined solely by what they do or how they look, but rather by how they fulfill a need and codify it for the user.

Couple that with the more intimate nature of a mobile application (I touch this and it does what I told it to do), and the more rigid (fixed size) UI design patterns of the mobile device and you get a perfect storm of potential problems.

The good news is that with proper planning and research, you target your potential clients and start imposing your own parameters on the problem at hand, and the rest can be accounted for within that scope.

Mobile App development is difficult because the paradigms of design and functionality differ between it and types of development that have existed for decades. It is still new, the technologies change rapidly, and not all of the answers are known. What makes a great app different from a good app? Design? Utility? These are all things to be mindful of while developing your app.

Mobile Development Today

There are really four major mobile development targets. Each of the native frameworks comes with certain expectations and a user base. BlackBerry is often used in education and government, whereas the iPhone and Android user base is far more widespread.

iOS, the technology that is run on Apple mobile devices, has benefits and limitations specific to its development cycle. The base language is Objective-C (old), with Cocoa Touch as the interface layer. At this time iOS can be developed only using Apple’s XCode, which can run only on a Macintosh. Now a days, swift language is even used as it is sleeker and a bit friendlier to use. These two programming languages are called Native iOS programming languages.

The Android framework, on the other hand, is written in Java, and can be developed using any Java tools. The specific tooling recommended by Google and the Android community is Eclipse with the Android toolkit. Unlike iOS, it can be developed on PC, Mac, or Linux.

Benefits of Mobile Application Development
  • Business promotion

  • Pose your company as techno-savvy

  • It offers lucrative platform to the customers

  • It gives a nice, pleasurable experience

  • Serve beyond expectations

  • Convenience of providing information

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